need opinion on skimming

dr. evil

thanks Acrylic i was just curious i got the coralife ss125 today and was reading the instructions and they show the different settings but dont say which is better. Im going to set it up tomorrow i've got to figure out how to hang on my wet/dry which im not sure will work i cant wait to get this thing going.


Active Member
Wet skimming you remove more water than waste. Dry foamy skimate = more waste collected and less water.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SaltFan
Wet skimming you remove more water than waste. Dry foamy skimate = more waste collected and less water.
do some research on that one.......Randy Holmes Farley over on the other site talked about this such very subject.....yes you are removing more water, but at the same time removing more DOC's as well


Active Member
got to go with acrylic on this one. Wet skimming gets out more gunk...... at least thats what i have found out with my tanks.
certain people on this board you just don't go against unless you have concret proof.
Been doing saltwater a very long time and found certain people on this board have earned respect for a reason.


Active Member
Originally Posted by acrylic51
do some research on that one.......Randy Holmes Farley over on the other site talked about this such very subject.....yes you are removing more water, but at the same time removing more DOC's as well
Don't care what he says....There are plenty of people out there that would argue this point, you just found one person for it... I am against it. And there are many more out there in the field that would agree. This is a touchy one.


Active Member
Originally Posted by acrylic51
do some research on that one.......Randy Holmes Farley over on the other site talked about this such very subject.....yes you are removing more water, but at the same time removing more DOC's as well
Did do some research.....You just happened to reason out one person in particular. There are many out there who would argue this point, you found one for your side of it. I can pull quotes right out of paragraphs if you would like, and you could do the same. This is one of the debatable points of skimmers. Just do a visual yourself.....The more water you take into your bottle, the clearer it is, the less water and more dryer foam, the darker it is, gee I wonder why that is.


Active Member
I like to see your research, because darkness has nothing really to do with contents of the skimmate......Color doesn't mean much!!!!!


Active Member
Not trying to get in the middle of the debate but, I kinda look at it like a glass of tea. If you put the same amount of tea in a cup as in a gallon jug the cup will be much darker but they both have the same amount of tea. If you skim really wet, the water is very light colored and fills up quicker but still has the same amount of DOC's a cup of skim taken over the same time period. Seems to me dry is better, same skim ---less water waste.. But I am no professor or anything...that is just my opinion.

But, I did stay at a holiday Inn express last night>>>>>lol


Active Member
With dry skimming your water level is set lower in the skimmer body taking longer for it to reach the skimmer cup, and that would explain the darker color in nature....With wet skimming your not letting it sit inside the skimmer chamber as long....there by removing it at a faster rate.....There is an ongoing study over at the other site, and no one can actually compute the skimmate data showing which is more potent......


Active Member
Originally Posted by joncat24
Not trying to get in the middle of the debate but, I kinda look at it like a glass of tea. If you put the same amount of tea in a cup as in a gallon jug the cup will be much darker but they both have the same amount of tea. If you skim really wet, the water is very light colored and fills up quicker but still has the same amount of DOC's a cup of skim taken over the same time period. Seems to me dry is better, same skim ---less water waste.. But I am no professor or anything...that is just my opinion.

But, I did stay at a holiday Inn express last night>>>>>lol
Who cares about the small amount of water you'd be loosing with top off....the DOC are just removed from the mass water that much quicker.....I guess I could start a debate as to which style of skimmer will process a greater amount of water as well.....????.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by acrylic51
I like to see your research, because darkness has nothing really to do with contents of the skimmate......Color doesn't mean much!!!!!
Not gonna go brash on you here, but unlike you guys I research for myself and don't save the sights nor the names cuz I'm not a tank geek. You do more research if you don't like my answer, I on the other don't care, I have read it, and many more on that subject, there are plenty of pros and cons to both. You give your read opinion and I will give mine.


Active Member
Originally Posted by acrylic51
With dry skimming your water level is set lower in the skimmer body taking longer for it to reach the skimmer cup, and that would explain the darker color in nature....With wet skimming your not letting it sit inside the skimmer chamber as long....there by removing it at a faster rate.....There is an ongoing study over at the other site, and no one can actually compute the skimmate data showing which is more potent......
Your right it doesn't sit. The dry foam collects and holds more in the same period of time than wet does. Skimmers are meant to make millions of tiny bubbles to collect waste and then release it, thereby the more bubbles the more waste collected. Your wet foam runs the water with some bubbles up and out of the tube, not given enough reaction time to collect.


Active Member
Originally Posted by joncat24
Not trying to get in the middle of the debate but, I kinda look at it like a glass of tea. If you put the same amount of tea in a cup as in a gallon jug the cup will be much darker but they both have the same amount of tea. If you skim really wet, the water is very light colored and fills up quicker but still has the same amount of DOC's a cup of skim taken over the same time period. Seems to me dry is better, same skim ---less water waste.. But I am no professor or anything...that is just my opinion.

But, I did stay at a holiday Inn express last night>>>>>lol
LOL gotta love ya.


Active Member
Go brash all you want.....That's why you run recirc, since you've done all the research and read all you need too.......


Active Member
From personal observation I have to go with Acrylic on this one...
Dry skimmate takes a lot longer time to collect. Sure with wet you're losing some water, but you're also collecting more junk faster. Faster collection=better water quality.


Active Member
I'm with acrylic on this one, from all that i have read wet skimming is better at removing the crud!
On my 210 i dump ~1.5-2 gallon a week (milk jug).


Active Member
Originally Posted by CGRANT
I'm with acrylic on this one, from all that i have read wet skimming is better at removing the crud!
On my 210 i dump ~1.5-2 gallon a week (milk jug).
Hmm, I only have a 135g and dump that in foam a week, using a 220 CoraLife.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SaltFan
Hmm, I only have a 135g and dump that in foam a week, using a 220 CoraLife.
What's your bioload as well?