Need opinions, 55 gal ligting...


Ok, was not going to do corals, but yes I am.
Like the "Coralife" set up, being the swivel compact/nice looking fixture.
Have a "Viper" 150w on my 30 gal tank, YES, the corals are healthy and happy!
Please give me your opinions, which are most welcome!!!


Active Member
I hear ya, I started fish only years ago in my 55 gal tank but have gone over to the "Dark Side" and switched to corals. I got the Nova Extreme Pro and my corals love it! This fixture has 6 54W lamps, 3 actinics, and 3 "daylight" lamps.
It fits right onto the top of the tank and looks great.


Active Member
A 4-6 bulb T5 setup will allow you to keep anything you want. If you want mh's then 2x 250w would do the same. I would go with a 4-bulb tek T5 setup, or a aquactinics TX5 if you want to spend a little more.