I know I've picked on you a little bit. But I've dabbled in this on occasion and mine has been try corporate stuff, you can take it or leave it since most of it is just taste.
Personally, I would make the fonts uniform. stick with the one or the other. For instance your article, you have one font for your title, and another font for the body of your article (I prefer the times new roman style). I"d also suggest that you not have content over the photos. IMO I'd rather have the articles around the photos. They, from what I can tell, look pretty good, it is just a shame they're washed and have a buncha script over there. I'd WANT TO SEE THE PICTURES. Plus I wouldn't bother reading the articles with the photos in the backround.
That is the biggie for me.
Minor stuff that would just be taste, is that if I'm going 3 collumns of text, I'd justify them to the right and left margins. Not just to the left like you have your text.
I don't know if this is basically finished or not, but it looks like on the bottom right of page 3 you have some template verbage still left on the page. (same with page 4)
I don't mind the backround picture labeled membership news. But you do have a blank box on the upper right hand corner.
On the bottom of page 4, I'd suggest including contact information for the club, website, board of directors or Prez info, donation info, and maybe a box with event information for the comming week or month...
Anyway, that is my red pen.