Need PC lighting upgrade answers for my 29 gal.


New Member
Want to give my tank backround first...
I'm looking to upgrade my lighting for my 29 gal. FOWLR (30x16x12) tank. Currenlty I've got 28 lbs. LR, 1" sand bed, Eheim 2213 canister, 2 Powerheads, 2 clowns, Coral Beauty, Pep shrimp, 2 snails and 3 blue hermits. Tanks been up and running for about 7 months. Anyway I only have the single 20 watt PowerGlo bulb that comes standard with an acrylic tank. I would like my LR to really go off and grow to it's potential - and I don't think it will happen with my current lighting. Also, I don't plan on making this a full reef tank anytime soon - maybe down the road...? But I wouldn't mind putting in some beginner/hardy corals or sponges when the time is right.
So I've been eyeing a couple different PC setups (MH is out of the question because of price and maintenance);
-24" Coralife Aqualights 2 x 65 watt (10,000 K and Actinic)
-24" CustomeSeaLife 2 x 65 watt + Moon-Lite
Now my questions...
-Will this give me all the light I'll need for my wants as listed above?
-Are there better PC setups than what I listed - keeping size and price about the same?
-Do I need to be concerned about overheating my tank with these PC's?
I live in a warm/hot climate (bay area Calif.) and usually the tank runs 80°-82° for half the year - the heater never come on either. These canopies come with fans which should help, but I think you can elevate them too which should help. But if I elevate them I'm concerned about water evaporation. Any thoughts/experience on the heat issue would be very appreciated.
-Are the fans on these units loud and can you choose not run them if you don't want to ?
-How is this Moon-Light? Is it worthwhile?
Thanks for all the help here!


i don't really know a lot about the lights to give you a great answer, but i'll try. If you are trying to keep anything more than beginner corals you will probably need more lights then what you are thinking about doing. I think i heard somewhere that around 10 watts per gallon is a good figure if you want nice corals.
about the moonlight: I have a bluemoon on my tank and i love it. I don't know what others opinions are on them though.


Active Member
First - WELCOME!!
Second - I think it comes down to preference - in terms of hte moonlights or not. I would think you would like them and use them (mood lighting??)
Third - I do not use PC bulbs for my main lighting ... just a little supplemental lighting on my 20 gallon. But I'd make sure you are getting the true actnic lights (do a search for kipass and true 03's)
Fourth - if you are planning on doing some mushrooms on your rocks then you would be fine. But if you really wantto get into it you could go with a DIY retorfit kit of 2 -24" VHO bulbs and get 150watts over your tank and provide some decent lighting.


Active Member

Originally posted by black99l
I think i heard somewhere that around 10 watts per gallon is a good figure if you want nice corals.

WPG is just a guide and most people don't go by that. It is a matter of intensity of lights. 10 would be a great figure to aim for if you want to keep a ton of corals and clams - but not for keeping some beginner or basic corals.


New Member
Thanks for the quick replies and the welcome!
A rather large concern for me is the tradeoff of more light wattage and higher system temps...I really don't have the time/$$ to go full out reef so I'd figure I'd hit a mid-point between FOWLR and reef. Just get a couple of the easiest to maintain of shrooms corals.
Black99l, do you happen to have a picture of the moon-lite in use?
overanalyzer, do you think the difference between the 130W PC setup I'm looking at and the 150W VHO retrofit you suggested would make a big difference between what I can and cannot have even if it's only a 20W difference?
Also, I hear about DIY retrofit kits and have some questions on them...
Would I just add the kit into the plastic 24"hood that came with my tank or would it melt the plastic or acrylic tank with that much wattage?
Thanks again for the help :)


I wouldn't worry too much about the heat. I have a total of 249 watts PC on my 29 & heat's not a problem. The back of the canopy is open with no fans.


New Member
That is comforting, but is your canopy raised above the tank?
About 1/2 of my acrylic tank top is covered (only slits for lighting and hoses) and acrylic is good at insulation which means my tank retains the heat a little too well..
Anyway, that is good to know that you don't have a heat problem from your PC's on your 29. BTW, can I ask what brand of canopy you have - or did you make it yourself?


You're right about your acrylic tank. Mine is glass. The canopy is just one of those generic wood ones you get at the pet store. The lights are approx 5 1/2 - 6 inches off the water. When I set up the lights I just used spare setups I had laying around. There are 2X32, 2X65, and 1X55.


here is my tank with the moonlight bulb on. i think mine is too bright but it is the lowest watt bulb i could find.


New Member
Looks cool, but it does seem a bit bright, they are 1W right? Are you able to set the PC's so that the moon-lite doesn't come on?
Good lookin' tank!


New Member
Guess there maybe differences between CustomSeaLife's moon-lite and your moonbeam...
I do like the way it looks though and am really considering the one that comes with the CustomSeaLife PC's.
Is that shot you took in total darkness or do you have some ambient light in the room? Trying to see how bright the tank would be when only the moon-lite is on.
overanalyzer, the Actinic from HelloLights does say 03 - so I guess I'm good to go there.
If anyone has more opnions on the different hoods I mentioned (or alternatives) I'd be happy for the insight :D


Active Member

Originally posted by JotaDe
Black99l, do you happen to have a picture of the moon-lite in use?
overanalyzer, do you think the difference between the 130W PC setup I'm looking at and the 150W VHO retrofit you suggested would make a big difference between what I can and cannot have even if it's only a 20W difference?
Also, I hear about DIY retrofit kits and have some questions on them...
Would I just add the kit into the plastic 24"hood that came with my tank or would it melt the plastic or acrylic tank with that much wattage?
Thanks again for the help :)

Black99l - cool picture but I'd be looking for some lower wattage - that is too bright IMO
I think so I personally think the VHO are far more instense then the PC lights. I had 26 watts of PC over my 5 gallon and the difference is easy to see - the VHO are far more brighter at a deeper depth - but I am no lighting guru - I just did a bunch of research and then let my little brother talk me into the VHO set-up - it was about $150 total. Let me know and I can give you a shoppping list.
As for a reftrofit kit - I would build my own square top canopy out of wood and make sure it is well vented with a fan (in your case) or just a lot of wopen space for air movement. My lights get pretty hot but they are 6-8 " above the water (can't remember) and they don't effect my tank temp much at all (1/2 degree difference).


New Member
Thanks for the info overanalyzer, I think I'm gonna stick with the PC's for now. There is no hood on my acrylic tank and I don't think I want to go through the hassle of matching wood with the stand to make a hood - I'd rather just get a pre-made light fixture :)
Glad to know that your 6-8" of space between water and lights doesn't cause your system to overheat. I'll probably have the lights elevated to help on the heat issue.
Anyone else with more helpful insight??


Active Member
are you going with a pre-fab set-up then I'd see about getting some support legs to get them a couple or few inches off the tank - that should be good enough for you