
Active Member
these arent mine but I hope they help
Pulsing Xenia is a fascinating coral to watch! The polyps rythmatically open and close, supposedly as an aid in gas exchange and feeding. Xenia requires good light and water movement, as well as iodine additions in order to thrive. Under the right conditions these corals grow very rapidly.


Active Member
I wish I had a picture of mine, but i think that the Pom Pom variety of Xenia is by far the best looking. Plus it does not spread like weeds as some of the other types do. Do a search on here for it, there are others who have some. I think that J21Kickster has some as well as I do. Sorry, no picture though (Damn Camera's busted:mad: )


here are mine. I don't get this coral. This is the second batch I have purchased and it is all but dead. And get this my buddy who has the worst looking, most horribly maintained tank bought the same kind at the same time and it is out of control!


I have seen these in other tanks but also heard they spread rapidly and hard to get rid of once they take over. Is this true?


It is true that they spread rapidly but the are very easy to frag and control! If you don't want them to spread just place them around aggressive corals that will sting them is they try to spread in that area!
Thanks guys, I love it when people JUMP on a post!!! Great PICS, very beautiful! I was thinking of getting one.. ut do tey spread that fast??? Ans someone mentioned stinging, will they sting me??
Thanking you kindly, Kim


I think "fast" is a relative term. I have had my xenia spread at a faster rate than anything else in my tank. It has probably quadrupled in about 6 - 12 months.
KimKissyFish - No the xenia will not sting you. I think someone was suggesting setting a more aggressive coral close to the xenia to keep it from spreading. Given the right conditions and a healthy strain to start with xenia can quickly become a weed in the tank. I love mine and couldn't imagine my soft coral tank without them.


I have found that Xenia need moderate lighting to thrive. I have had success with this!
I have also found that they respond extremely well when there is a little higher level of iodine. Has any one else expereinced this?