Need Pictures of properly setup Refugiums


I'm in the process of cycling my 180. I have a 30 gal. refugium hooked up and need info on how to do it properly.
Such as how thick of a sand bed? How much live rock?
And what kind of wattage to properly grow claripa?
Pictures would be great so I can get the whole picture.
Thanks everyone.


Here is a pic of my 20 gallon refugium. I drilled an overflow into it on the right side to allow it to flow into a 10 gallon sump. My water is pumped from the sump back into my main tank. I have a tee with a ball valve to control the flow from the pump into the refugium. I read somewhere that you should have a low flow into your refugium (around 100 gallon per hour). The sand bed is only 15lbs currently but I plan on doubling that. The live rock weighs just over 4 lbs. I added the grape caulepra about 2 months ago and it is growing rapidly.


Here is a pic of my plumbing. I have two pumps in the sump a mag 7 and mag 9.5 to send the water to the main tank. Both have a tee in them to return some water to the refugium. I have just purchased a threaded overflow to replace the current tubing I have coming out of the refugium. As far as lighting goes, I have the regular strip light that came with the 20 gallon hood and I leave it on 24/7 and it works well for the plant growth.


Active Member
Here is my 30G fug. Above tank setup (8" above display) with a Mag 7 pumping water from display to fug. Just recently added a ball valve to slow down flow rate to fug.; 3" sand bed with caulerpa and an algae screen to grow red turf algae on. I bought a LoA 65W PC flood light fixture for the lighting.
Good luck!:jumping:

mpls man

Active Member

Originally posted by spmnarciso
Here is my 30G fug. Above tank setup (8" above display) with a Mag 7 pumping water from display to fug. Just recently added a ball valve to slow down flow rate to fug.; 3" sand bed with caulerpa and an algae screen to grow red turf algae on. I bought a LoA 65W PC flood light fixture for the lighting.
Good luck!:jumping:

on the light ,i have the exact same one , how do you have the light hooked up, do you have it vented on the top of the light, because mine gets hot, and also do you have it running to a cord then into the wall? your fuge looks great!


Active Member

Originally posted by MPLS MAN
on the light ,i have the exact same one , how do you have the light hooked up, do you have it vented on the top of the light, because mine gets hot, and also do you have it running to a cord then into the wall? your fuge looks great!

I just ran the mounting part of the light through the wire mesh shelf temporarily and hard wired it to a cord with a plug. I took the plexiglass cover off for ventilation. Good luck!


beaslbob- I'm lost, what is the purpose of the plastic square mesh in the back of your tank?
Never seen that before.

mpls man

Active Member
SPMNARCISO Thank you very much for the help on the light , i have mine wired the same way, do you have any problems with heat from the light, or do you have a fan in the area?


Active Member

Originally posted by MPLS MAN
SPMNARCISO Thank you very much for the help on the light , i have mine wired the same way, do you have any problems with heat from the light, or do you have a fan in the area?

No heat problems as of yet, but I might hook up a small fan when I wire it permantly, especially for the summer and the fact that the fug. is in a closet.


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by ClarksZ06
beaslbob- I'm lost, what is the purpose of the plastic square mesh in the back of your tank?
Never seen that before.

It is about 4" in front of the back wall. Forms an in tank refugium. Cost $10 at lowes and is a 4'x2' light diffuser for dropped ceilings. A refug can't get simplier than that. see thread:
macros and pods are thriving. fish can still pick at the macros. I have since added 2 4' 2 tube utility lights 2" away from the back glass facing forward. Tank is really really bright now. :D And macros are growing against the back glass and not (yet) up to the top and poking through the grids.


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by Kip4130
sticks out 4"?
thats a 55g tank right... that means you got about 8 or 9" of usable tank space?

Well the entire tank is still usable. But basically---yep or less. Good reason for wanting to get the 120 at first.
My coral beauty does back there then comes back. kinds slides in sideways under the skimmer box. the royal gramma and gobie can also. Only they just go through the grids.


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by Kip4130
i guess "usable" was he operative word
so when are you gonna upgrade to that 120?
will you go 48x24x24?

As you will understand I have to get the wife's premission first. :D
Hint site is 20/20. Should have gotten it to begin with. would have been money and several dead fish ahead.
but then everyone wanted to sell me live rock. :eek: not much money in light diffusers and macros.:thinking: