Need Plumbing Guidance


Active Member
I've been battling an overflow problems for months. Basically, the return from my refugium (using a maxi jet 1200) is so slow that my u-tube (lifereef) gets air pockets and about once a week or more I need to reprime the syphon.
I'm thinking now of buying a mag 7 and using that as my return. I figure that will provide enough flow to keep the u-tube fairly clear of air.
But, will that be too much flow for the refugium?
I'm using a 3 part 10 gallon sump partitioned in the usual format, 1 small area for overflow, 1 large section for ls, lr, macros, and then a small area for return.
I know refugiums should have a slower flow but this constant repriming has about p****d me off.
Brian, anyone?


If you're not maxed out yet on your overflow-box capacity, a higher capacity return pump will certainly help (it will also give you more water circulation). However, if you're happy with the current circulation get a smaller diameter U tube. It will increase the speed of the wtaer thru it.
By the way, is your return line as short as possible? Or is there a lot of tubing "curled up"? Cutting this shorter (if possible) will also raise the speed thru the U tube.


I think Mag pumps have the best reputation on this board. The flow rate also depends on how high the water needs to be pumped up.
For example:
Mag 5 (1.2" outlet) at 0 ft. 500 gph, at 3 ft. 375 gph, at 6 ft. 185 gph
Mag 7 (1/2 " outlet) at 0 ft. 700 gph, at 3 ft. 500 gph, at 6 ft. 375 gph
Mag 9.5 (3/4" outlet) at 0 ft. 950 pgh, at 3 ft. 810 gph, at 6 ft. 700 gph