Need plumbing info for drilled tank.

salty blues

Active Member
I am planning on having a tank drilled on the back to accept a 1" bulkhead. What do I need to set up a strainer or skimmer or whatever to attatch to the bulkhead on the inside of the tank?


Active Member
you should put a 90 degree elbow that will attach to the strainer and then to the bulk head, and adjust it so that it will drain up to a certain level.

salty blues

Active Member
About how far from the top of the tank should the hole be located and should there be a box or baffle arond the strainer?


Active Member
If you want you can put a box around the strainer with slits cut into it, but it is not necessary. I would put the hole about 1 1/2"-2" away from the top of the tank.

salty blues

Active Member
Originally Posted by fishfreak1242
If you want you can put a box around the strainer with slits cut into it, but it is not necessary. I would put the hole about 1 1/2"-2" away from the top of the tank.
Won't the water level in the tank be determined by the location of the hole?


Active Member
Originally Posted by salty blues
But I don't want the water level to be 1 1/2" to 2" from the top of the tank. That would be too low.
You still have to account for the bulkhead and the elbow with the strainer which takes off about 1".

salty blues

Active Member
Most all RR tanks(pre-drilled) I see have a baffle in the corner that creates a space around the drain pipe and sets the water level in the tank.
I'm trying to get some ideas about how to set up the siplhon on a tank after you drill it.

salty blues

Active Member
Originally Posted by fishfreak1242
You still have to account for the bulkhead and the elbow with the strainer which takes off about 1".
So essentially then, what ever level you set the opening of the strainer will be about where the level of the water in the tank will be right?


check out
i have their 700 gph kit and im loving it. very quiet and exceptionally built. im using a 2" bulkhead with a 1.5" elbow.



Yes,, just as long as the overflow bracket is water tight (use lots of silicone).


Originally Posted by salty blues
The hole for your drain is a lot lower than fishfreak recommends. Does it matter greatly on the location of the this?
No i could have placed it higher if i wanted to but wanted to have enough ajustment room for my standpipe


I really like the looks of the overflow that mkzimms sugested. It will take up less room inside the tank,,, that is always a big plus


yea, the kit gives you everything you need including the diamond hole saw. ive never drilled a tank before (this is the first tank i setup from scratch) and i had no problems. i cant remember who on the boards mentioned this company in a thread , but they deserve the credit for the awesome find. i ordered it the night i found out about it.
the really cool thing about this setup is the baffles inside the overflow box. they force the bulkhead to draw from under the waterline so you dont get the hicups and burps like just running a straight bulkhead with a strainer. all you really hear is the gurgle of the water flowing down the overflow pipe into the sump. i think i have a pic...

there is a flat piece that sits over those two vertical baffles and the water flows around and under them into the bulkhead.
excuse my terrible paint skills.

takes up like no room, here it is in the 40G breeder im building

i painted the background of the tank black and you cant even see it. its about 5" x 2". im getting close to 700gph with aprox 10" of linear overflow. linear overflow gives you the good surface skimming, more the better.
overflow boxes are good because it causes the water to sheet as it flows over the top of the box. with a bulkhead and strainer you get almost no linear overflow which = almost no surface skimming. the more linear overflow the quieter it will be as well.
when i was designing my setup i was going to go with a bulkhead and strainer at first until i started reading to learn everything i could about ways to get water out of the tank. as far as i can tell, overflow boxes no mater what kind are far superior to just bulkheads and strainers. a close second would be a durso standpipe but that requires all sorts of adjusting to get it just right and you still need a full height of the tank overflow box since your drilling from the bottom of the tank. this design kind of brings the best of all types.
this is basically what fishfreak is talking about with having a box around the strainer.