Need Powerhead Advice


Hi there, i want to purchase 1-2 powerheads for water movement in my 80 gallon saltwater tank, what brand do u guys recommend?? i want a quiet one please let me know what u guys recommend thanks


I like Aquaclear powerheads due to the fact you can add an attachment, a Quick Filter, which stops anything from getting sucked up into the powerhead.
I have been told though Maxi-Jets are the best, don't know if they sell sponge filters for them though.

nm reef

Active Member
For your tank I'd consider either Maxi-jet 900's or maybe 1200's depending on how much current you want. Very dependable product in my opinion.:yes:


Active Member
MJ's can take a sponge filter. I've got a 1200 in my 29 gallon. :D Nice water movement.