need powerhead!


what are the ones that look like fans are they the best? what is the name of a good brand? and I have one right now but the other one I have just broke! so I have a 46 gal with a bak pak 2 and a week as* powerhead ....I had 2. Thanks


Active Member
I just placed a couple of Koralia circulator pumps (they aren't powerheads, but are dedicated circulators) in my 55 gal today and they are sweeet units! Very cool design, quiet, easy to place with the magnetic mounting system and adjustable mounting point. They put out a good wide flow of water, unlike the other powerheads I used to have that had a small high pressure output that is very directional and hard to adjust. Check 'em out if you are looking just for circulation in your tank.

it's chuck

I prefer Maxi-jets as do most people I have talked to the are small, powerful, and best of all very reliable
PS the "fan looking ones" are Hydor Koralias and they look really nice and I have heard good things about them, how ever they cost about twice as much as maxijets


Active Member
The Maxi jets are good (and powerful) units, I had a couple of them going. What I like about my new Koralias is that the flow is wider and more dispersed, which seems to work for my corals which need waterflow, but not the higher more directional flow from a unit like the maxi jet. Since I have corals dispersed around my tank, I need a significant but less focused/directed flow that works the entire tank.
Well, 600 GPH is like 12 x your tank volume, and thats a pretty good turnover ratio. The Koralias are kinda bulky, but the look and the way they mount to your tank is pretty cool/
Cabin, what kind of tank do you have? and what are you looking for in a powerhead?


tunze makes some good power heads to if you want to pay a arm and a legg for one, and are the propeller driven water flow also, but are much larger than MJ and i do belive koralias also


Thanks I have a 46 gal bowfront and one of my powerheads just died on me. It was a maxijet! I don't like those cause they are hard to aim they don't like to stay where you put them. I just need more flo all aorund! I have a ton of brown stuff all over my LR I have a pic in the reef tank section. -Tara