need soft coral expert please!!


:help: OK, last Thursday, I purchased a 6 inch 50+ polyp Isaurus Tuberculatus, Snake polyp, also covered with green star polyps.
It has gotten droopier each day that it has been in my tank. I have a 75 gal with 260 W power Compact. The coral is placed midway in a medium water stream. The green stars are doing great, snakes look like limp spaghetti. the first night a few of the polyps opened, since then haent seen any. Tried to feed them, but could not get any polyps to open-even using the old squeezed shrimp head over them. The only over items I have in there are a BTA, Colonial Polyps, tons of mushrooms and kelp, all growing extremely well. Is there any hope for my Snakes? Any suggestions? The web says Med light and Med curent.


Active Member
Snake polyps need light so if the GSP are over growing them then that could be killing them.


The snake polyps are approximately 3 inches long and the stars are just teeny tiny guys growing in between them. Do you think I should move the snakes higher?
How can I feed them since they only open in the middle of the night-or morning?


Originally Posted by Dogstar
GSP could be stinging them too. You can try doseing phyto at night.
Agreed, I had Brown star polyps that have killed half of a very large candy cane coral till I pulled the huge rock out and scrubbed them off and allowed it to dry on my deck last year. I still have BSP and wish I could kill them all. The polyps on your snake polyps usually only come out at night, but otherwise as stated it is a photosynthetic coral and I've seen it suggested only with very good lighting.


Took the advice and moved my Snake polyps out and up into the light-also removed a bunch of the little stars-though I do think they are pretty waving in the breeze-
You are merciless arent you??
Results have been good. The snakes are looking better, though they do droop during the day, they perk right up at night and are only now just beginning to open fully, usually around 3a.m. Lucky for them I am a nightowl or they would not get fed.


The reason I killed off the star polyps are in the first pic, they were destroying my candy cane as well as other corals. I used a steamer first then scrubed them on the deck and sun dried them for a couple of weeks. I still wanted the rock they were on. They still creep slowly in the back of my tank where I can't get at them.