:help: OK, last Thursday, I purchased a 6 inch 50+ polyp Isaurus Tuberculatus, Snake polyp, also covered with green star polyps.
It has gotten droopier each day that it has been in my tank. I have a 75 gal with 260 W power Compact. The coral is placed midway in a medium water stream. The green stars are doing great, snakes look like limp spaghetti. the first night a few of the polyps opened, since then haent seen any. Tried to feed them, but could not get any polyps to open-even using the old squeezed shrimp head over them. The only over items I have in there are a BTA, Colonial Polyps, tons of mushrooms and kelp, all growing extremely well. Is there any hope for my Snakes? Any suggestions? The web says Med light and Med curent.
It has gotten droopier each day that it has been in my tank. I have a 75 gal with 260 W power Compact. The coral is placed midway in a medium water stream. The green stars are doing great, snakes look like limp spaghetti. the first night a few of the polyps opened, since then haent seen any. Tried to feed them, but could not get any polyps to open-even using the old squeezed shrimp head over them. The only over items I have in there are a BTA, Colonial Polyps, tons of mushrooms and kelp, all growing extremely well. Is there any hope for my Snakes? Any suggestions? The web says Med light and Med curent.