Will send along pics very soon of my 90 Gal. It is not 100 Gal, it is 90., with a 27 gal down below. I have many different leathers, from a finger to yellow leather, pink, plate coraLwith fuschia mouth, sun coral which opens every evening; beautiful, pair of clarkii clowns which live in the finger, which is about a foot and a half or more wide, bi-color blenny, neon gobies, two, serpent star{green stripe}, cleaner shrimp, a pair, peppermint shrimp, five, various snails, hermit crabs, six line wrasse. Wish I did not have the six line wrasse, Prevents many choices of fish I would like. I would like one more but the wrasse is too aggressive. Destroyed my gramma with the help of a mimic tang. Got the mimic tang out but will never catch the wrasse. However all are fine as is. No problems. Lotsa live rock. 8 year old tank. Have fun!