Need some advice, the whole thing


Active Member
well i am, building my own stand and i was putting a 30 gallon fuge in it, the tank is 55gallons and i want an overflow from the internet and some sort of mag pump to return it just like the picture, the question is do i let the overflow go right into the tank and does the hose bend to inside the stand, also how many gph do i need to keep the fuge from overflowing?what type of mag, also where do i get the hose to the pump return and do i just bend it into the tank, how do i do it? here is my pic on paint, wil u help me answer this? thx travis


Active Member
anyone plz i need help.srry the pic wont post, is a 300 gph ok for an overflow? and what pump would u recommend?


I think you want a pump slightly stronger than the overflow rating. This is do to the fact you will lose some gph as the water travels back up the tank from the pump. I have a 300gph overflow myself and have a 500gph pump. From there, you use an adjustment knob to control the amount of water you want to return to your tank.
For example, I have roughly 300gph going down into my fuge. My pump has the ability to send 500gph back. However I have a flow valve on the return line that takes some of that 500gph and returns it right back into my fuge. Basically I try to make it so it's 300 into fuge and 300 back up to the main tank. So if I had to recommend a pump, I'd go with 500gph. Works great for me.
You should never have to worry about fuge overflow. It's hard to explain, but it'll all work out and it'll make sense once you get it running. A few tips, don't fill your fuge to the top when you 1st start it. Water from your main tank will spill down into the fuge so give some extra room for the overflow. Also on the line coming from your pump back into the main tank. Put a hole into it right AT or BELOW the water line. If you don't do this and power goes out, the return line from the pump will act like a syphon and water from your main tank will spill down it. If you have troubles while building it, post in the DIY forums. That's where I learned everything. Good luck.