Need some advice


My ammonia levels have been high and it is due to over feeding. My routine is freeze dried krill in the morning and then frozen brine or fronzen mysis or formula 2 at night. When they are feed twice I have no problems, but if they only get fed once then my puff picks on my clown.
I have had this problem for awhile and have just been doing water changes more frequently and feeding them twice. So all is well, but weekly water changes can be a pain.
I realize the easiest solution is for one of the two fish to go, but if I don't have to then I don't want to. Is this really my only option? I probably just need to hear it from some people before I accept it, but I would like to keep the clown.
My tank is a 55 with a valentini, yellow stripe and niger baby (I know he will out grow my tank)


Active Member
Your Valintini picks on your clown, wow! Ours is the biggest baby of the lot..
Do you feed them Seaweed selects? Our puff loves it, heres something you could try, put a piece(small piece) of seaweed selects on a clip in your tank in the am, and then feed as usual at night. Remove any uneaten sws.
You won't have all the extra food floating in your tank, and if your valintini likes it like ours does then maybe he'll leave your clown alone..Hope this helps, Lisa


Active Member
I think it might help, I could be wrong but I think its worth a shot... Just make sure you take any uneaten food out of the tank.
Let me know how it goes if you try it...Lisa