need some advice


New Member
i have a 12gal i have 2 firefish and pinkwatchmens goby a spernt star and a pink tipedsea amname and live rock and now my tank is growing brown algle all over the tank i rub it off wiht a tooth brush when i do a water change but in 2 days it back i have a scarletthermit crab but i think he is not enuff and i hate to calen the rock i have plants and featherdusters groeing on them and dont want to rub them off can any one help and i also want to get some coral i have 2 power compacts one 28w and one 8 is that enuff light for coral and help will be helpfull thanks


Active Member
If I were an english teacher, I'd probably be reprimanding you right now for that huge run-on sentence. =P
The "brown algae" may be diatoms. If that's the case, then you have silicates in your tank (diatoms feed on silicates). What type of water are you using? If it's tap water, then that's your problem right there. :)
Your anemone is dying under that lighting. They need much, much more light than that. Corals also require a lot more light. :happyfish