New Member
Okay so I need some help....I have two seperate is a 40 gallon reef tank it has 2 percula clowns, tiny panther grouper, and tiny niger trigger, plus an array of corals. I also have a 125 strictly fish tank. The 125 has been up and running for about 6 weeks. The plan is once the panther grouper and niger trigger are larger to move them to the big tank. Now in the big tank I have a snowflake eel that is about 3 years old, a large niger trigger that is about 3, and a fiji foxface that is about 2. Everything was going just fine in both of the tanks until I went on vacation and left the tanks in charge of a co-worker. I came back and in the small tank my birdsnest coral appears to be bleaching at the bottom, and my niger trigger refuses to eat. He just stays in his rock and rarely comes out. It has been about a week and a half since he has eaten. Now the weird thing is that in the large tank the big trigger has done the exact same thing. All of the other fish are doing great and eating like crazy. The levels in the small tanke are perfect, everything is at zero. The ammonia in the big tank took a big spike that I noticed when I tested after vacation and I immediately got it under control so the levels in there are back to normal. The snowflake eel in the big tank had its protective slime coat for a day or two but after the water was back to normal he got rid of that, and the foxface has been doing welll. I dont know what to do to get these guys to eat or make anything better. Any suggestions would be great. By the way they eat a diet mixture of brine shrimp, bloodworms, beef heart, krill, and occasionaly seaweed.