Need some fish suggestions


Active Member
I will be housing a ray in my 125gal for about a little more then a year, my firend has a 180gal tank that he just got about a couple days ago and i told him when your tank has been set up long enough i will give you my ray. So i need to know what kind of fish are ray compatible. I have a goldentail moray right now and will be planning on getting a lionfish, and i would like one more colorful fish(like a wrasse) thanks!


Active Member
do they keep swimming? And they wont pick at eyes or fins? they look very unique. Do they ship good??


Active Member
well i know they love to swim a lot and need a big tank, which you have, but i dont know about the eye picking


Active Member
I still stick with the harlequin tusk.....thats a very very colorful fish, needs minimum 50 gallons.. cool fish