need some help finding materials


im gonna diy an overflow box just need to find two more things and was wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction. i need or want to find a clear siphon tube of about 1inch diabemter is that sold smoeehres online, should it be in hardware or home impovement store or is it something id have to buy straight tube and bend it . also where can ifind weld on acrylic addhesive and whats the best one to use thanks for any help


Opinions vary on the Weld-on. For a small thing like an overflow box I'd use Weld-on #4 It dries fast but not as fast as #3 which is insanely fast. For larger items I use Weld-On #40, as it gives you more time to apply and is a thicker substance. Others use Weld-On #16 which comes in a caulk type of tube. #4 and #40 need a seperate container to apply.
Here is the link to the different types of Weld-on
And here is the Selection guide
Where to find them at? I get my supply at a local dealer. Look in your phone book under "Plastics-Rods, Tubes, Sheets, Etc" as Weld-On is considered a Hazardous Material and a special Hazmat license is needed to ship it in the mail. Eaiser to just go local.
THe Siphon TUbes are a pain in the rear. Jeff at Life-Reef sells them although I've never bought them from him. Also I just gound Aquatic-EcoSystems sells them but again I've never bought them. THey also sell the Acrylic tubing if you are going to buy some and make it yourself.
Let me know if I can be of any further help. Also ask broncofish as he's got a pretty extensive hands on knowledge on building acrylic boxes of all sorts.


Forgot to add practice practice practice.
Take some scraps and just run wild with the Weld-On to get the hang of it.