need some help guys


New Member
I want to start a new salt water tank and I have one picked out a 150XH W/1 CORNER-FLO BLACK
and my other question is we want to start off slow with some fish then once we get going and know what we are doing we would like to make it a reef tank
so my question is should we use a PRO 300 WET/DRY W/PRFLTR & SKIMMER?
or what can we use to start and can I use both systems or is there something I can use to switch over to both fish and reef?
the pro 300 info
DIMENSIONS 32" x 12" x 22"H
CAPACITY 300 gal or 1200 gph
SUMP AREA 24 gal


Active Member
I`m sorry , but did you skip english class ? I can`t understand what you asking or stating . I know this is not school but geese , use some proper sentences .


Hes probably just excited and just looking for some info. Im a real newb when it comes to this stuff bro but ill tose u a bump so someone with some real knowledge can help you out.
If u could rewrite your question or edit it, Im sure some would be more then willing to help you out.
Lol dont mind my spelling and grammer mistakes 25 yrs old and i can spell for poop. But i have learned only insensative jerks make fun of people for stupid stuff like that.


Originally Posted by Dawman
I`m sorry , but did you skip english class ? I can`t understand what you asking or stating . I know this is not school but geese , use some proper sentences .

grow up!


ok, to start, read lots of threads, then build slow, and keep in mind what you want to have in the end....if reef is your goal then build to that


Well-Known Member
IMHO, skip the wet/dry filter if you are going reef eventually. Just use live rock and sand and an external sump with a good skimmer. That will handle a reef setup, and fish will be fine in there too.


Originally Posted by Dawman
I`m sorry , but did you skip english class ? I can`t understand what you asking or stating . I know this is not school but geese , use some proper sentences .

I agree grow up!


Originally Posted by RIP_EM
I want to start a new salt water tank i have one picked out a 150XH W/1 CORNER-FLO BLACK should i get 2 corner flo or one?
and my other questions are we want to start off slow with some fish then once we get going and know what we are doing we would like to make it a reef tank
so my question is should we use a PRO 300 WET/DRY W/PRFLTR & SKIMMER? or what can we use to start and you can use both systems or is there something we can use to switch over to both fish and reef?
Welcome the Board!

If you are going to convert it to a reef tank someday, you will want to set it up now for a reef, with the intention of going that way in the future.
Keep doing a lot of research and decide what you want to have now in fish and coral so you know how to set-up your tank. i.e. lights, flow, size and so on.
IMO, get a tank with overflows and add a sump.
Ask a lot of question here on this site, and I am sure you will get the answers you are looking for.


Active Member
Originally Posted by newtankman

I agree grow up!

Grow up ? I`m not making fun or slamming anyone . Can`t understand what he is trying to say .
cjason3041 & newtankman bite me .


Originally Posted by Dawman
Grow up ? I`m not making fun or slamming anyone . Can`t understand what he is trying to say .
cjason3041 & newtankman bite me .

Pick your words; there are better ways to say something other then to insult someone.
If you don’t want to answer a question to someone politely, don’t answer at all.
My agreement of cjason’s statement stands!


Active Member
Originally Posted by newtankman
Pick your words; there are better ways to say something other then to insult someone.
If you don’t want to answer a question to someone politely, don’t answer at all.
My agreement of cjason’s statement stands!

I didn`t insult anyone ? I made a statement as I want to help RIP_EM out . YOU and CJASON started the insulting . You of all people are talking about politeness ? Practice what you preach and maybe you should be the one to grow up .


Active Member
dont worry about the jerks that replied. they were born that way.
somepeople are genetically handicapped by immaturity.

I think that one corner overflow should be fine. You are going to have a few powerheads in the tank for flow reasons and you want to minimize the amount of 'equiptment/crap' in your dislpay tank. Just make sure that your flow is pointing in ways that will deliver the detritus/left over food to your overflow. Definetly go with the external filter. have your overflow drain into a sump or wet/dry and add a skimmer like newtankman said. You can always pull out the bio-media(balls) and add live rock if the nitrates get out of control. you can even use one of the compartments to make a minifuge which helps tank stability in many ways.
Also, something you should consider into this eqaution is your lighting. Try your best not to skimp on the lighting.. you will end up needing to upgrade in the future. If you want a reef you should try and go for t5 or metal halides. It will be expensive, but will pay off in the long run. The better the lights, the more you can throw in your tank (diversity of corals, not necessarily quantity) and the better they will grow. People have had great sucess with PCs but most end up adding more intense lighting.
Make sure to try and start your tank off with liverock/sand if possible. It will mature your tank faster and keep the cycle short.
DONT add DAMNsels (bad bad fish!) to your tank if your local fish store reccommends it. they are used to cycle your tank by adding waste etc and are commonly used. The problem is you will need to catch them later and youll probably end up dissasembling your tank to do so!
Throw a peice of coctail shrimp in there and let it rot. Easy to cycle and easy to catch!
start off SLOW. I knew someone who added like 14 critters to his tank on day 6 of it running. I think he spent his entire tax return on 'disposable' fish because he kept killing them and replacing them. Each fish adds additional bioload to the tank and changes the chemistry.
Get a GOOD test kit, then check your results by bringing a water sample to your LFS. dont rely solely on one form of testing. LFS are notorious for screwing up!
AND... only add RO/DI (purified water to your tank) one of the biggest mistakes is to add tap water (although, again, some people have dont this for YEARS and have VERY nice tanks!) adding tap water is like adding toxins and trates right to your tank! and we work so hard to get those out!
Keep up on water changes (salt water) changes will keep water 'clean' and replace essential elements which means less additives (chemicals) for you to dump in.
OK LAST PART! read ALOT. research ALL your critters before buying them. Even little crabs can be a big problem if you mix them with the wrong thing. some people have gotten some MONSTER emerald crabs! and post and ask questions as much as you want!!
no one here is the ultimate expert and the information we have is always changing. Even the reefers who have been doing this for years are coming up with better strategies for thier tanks.
This is all I can come up with without writing a REAL novel. get some books and learn the basic guidelines like the 'for dummies' books to just get the basics. you will be fine! welcome to the addiction!!!!


New Member
I am real sorry about mix up so on the wet/dry system i can remove the bio ball and add live rock? is this to control bac in the tank.
you guys have to understand when I had a salt tank we used under gravel filters and power heads OLD SCHOOL.


Active Member
look here. a pic is worth a thous. words. and Im maxed for the day lol j/k the bioballs go in where the nitrites turn into nitrates.