Need some help guys....


I got this used skimmer from my LFS. It was running on a 500 gal tank. Well they are breaking everything down and I got this skimmer for my 125.
Anyone know who makes it?
Anyone know what size pump I should feed it with?
On the three side pumps, one of them is broke. Ceized. Any ideas were I can get a replacement?
Thanks guys, im pretty sure this skimmer is at least 6 + yrs old.



I do belive you are correct. I just saw one on the Bay that looks the same. I hope I can get a new pump for this thing


Ok so I hooked up this bad boy up and it leaked everywere. All the O-rings need replaced. I went to Lowes and HD and they had nothing that would work. I did find a place that sells the pump. With just two running it was working just fine but the broken one was leaking.
Any ideas were I can get this stuff.......


Active Member
Type this in google search.
das skimmer replacement parts
The first hit when I did it came up with a heading of:
DAS EX-3 Skimmer
It is ___orama.___ as the store
When you click on the link the first page has a menu on the left and one of the headings is replacement parts.


Yeah that is were I found the pump at. They dont have any of the O-rings that I need listed. I guess I need to call them and see if they sell them.


Active Member
That is what I would do in your case. Hope it works out for you. Looks like a real beast of a skimmer


Active Member
That is a DAS uses aquabee 2000/1 pumps. The o-rings are avaiable at deltec aquarium solutions. Article number 69512. You may have to call them to order, though. They are really expensive..... .85c each.
That is one monster skimmer, you wont have any nitrate problem in a 125 with that. That thing will suck the eyes out of the fish.


Thats what I was looking for. Thank you very much.
Im pretty sure im comming out ahead in this deal. The LFS didnt even know they had this thing, on top of that they had NO idea what it is worth. Long story short I talked them down to $50.

Chock one up for the customer


Well I just got done giving this skimmer a overhaul. I fixed the horible seal job on the bottom. Resealed every possable place it could ever leak from. Just need to let it dry and see were Im at.