Need some help on how I should set this all up.


Ok finally -
I have all the stuff I need for my 150 here or coming this week but after looking at all I have, I dunno where some stuff should connect to the filtration system.
Unforunately I do not have a diagram to post for you (
Basically I am running 55 Gallon Sump, 29 Gallon Fuge. How I have that hooked up is taken care of.
My problem is I bought a Calcium Reactor, a Lifeguard system which has UV Sterlizer, Mechincal, Chemical, Heating Modules as well as a Liquid Sandbed Module it all connects and is too long to fit in the sump.........
Also I am undecided on a skimmer. I am looking at an Evolution 500 the cost though is almost $400, is that thing worth my money?
Where should I stick the Calcium Reactor and how can I set this Lifeguard system up? Can basically put a pump in the chamber with my skimmer, have it push the water through the system and then loop it back into the skimmer chamber or should I have it return into the chamber I have my return pump to the tank?
Some opinions on where to stick the Lifeguard set-up and the Calc Reactor is appreciated.


calcium reactor can go pretty much anywhere. here is a quick sketch of how they commonly are set up, it can be done in sump, or out of sump.
here you see a semi-standard setup, where feed water is pumped in from the sump via a small feed pump (usually not included) into the chamber. the water is moved through the chamber via the circulating pump (usually part of the aparatus). the co2 goes through the regulator to the bubble counter, and then down to the bottom of the reaction chamber where it is fed into the water column. finally, there is usually an effluent, or return line, which normally has a ball valve to control the drip rate, which then goes back to the sump.
using this setup, you can place the reactor anywhere your feed pump can send enough pressure to feed it, be it above the tank, below it, in the cabinet, in your neighbors yard etc.
as for the lifeguard, well its a nice setup, but the linear nature of it is exactly why i didnt go with it.... it is kind of restrictive of how you can set it up.
hopefully someone with a lifeguard setup can give you some hints from their own setup.
i would look into an etss skimmer if you are looking at spending that much on a skimmer.


Thans Krux... The Evolution 500 is ETSS Evolution 500 .
Was told that was the best skimmer on the market to buy.
I read the post on UV and it is making me have 2nd thoughts because this tank is going to be a reef. I think what I will do is just run the Lifeguard System on the return and let it go straight through there on its way up to the tank without a UV running.


ahh well yes then the evolution is going to be about as good as you can get for a reasonable price. i am sure you can get some monster skimmer, but it really wouldnt suit your applications.
if you already have the uv, and can not return it, you can plumb it in just in case you ever have to deal with some sort of evil outbreak in your tank, but if i was you i would not use that module and use it to offset the cost of the skimmer a bit more.