Need some help...plz


i am hoping to get a cleaner shrimp but i also want a hawiian spotted puffer does anyone know if it will bother my shrimp because it doesnt say on its bio thnx


Active Member
I have a hawiian blue spoted puffer in my other tank with hermits, and a very large hermit, and snails, and he is not reef safe, and he does not bother them. I have found that the trick is to keep them fed. My dt has a niger trigger with shrimp crabs and snails and i dont have any issues.


Active Member
i have a hbsp as well and i have a coral banded shrimp and several peppermint shrimp. he doesnt bother them....just picks on my turbos. and my puffer hasnt touched any of my soft corals....its hit or miss with them really.
my puffer is just lazy and laid back for the most part