need some help quick!!!!

ok i have a 105 gallon tank that i have been not keeping up on is a fowlr pump broke on my skimmer about a month and a half ago...i bought a new one and installed it but now my fish are not eating tonight and the lunar wrasse is tring to jump out of the tank....also yesterday i used a dosage of chemi clean to rid of the red algae..and did my water change are my water readings
ammonia 0
nitrites 0
nitrates - above 80 (not good)
ph 7.8 (low but taken at night time will test tomorrow)
salinity 1.024
someone please help me save my fisheeeees!!!!!! thanks in advance...


Staff member
Myself, I have used chemiclean with success, however, not on a troubled tank.
I would proceed with water changes that is buffered before the water goes into the tank. And, tell me why you think you have such high nitritaes?? What type tank do you have? Reef, FO? LR?
To get rid of the cyanobacteria, reduce lights to 3 hrs a day. After a few days, the cyano will be pretty much taken care of. Are you sure the problem is cyano?
Also, you know what you need to do about your equiptment. Get it fixed fast. At this point, it is probably a good idea to even add some additional PHs. Is your water circulation good throughout the tank? The way you can tell is if food will circulate around the tank when you feed fish, rather than food dropping down to the bottom.


Staff member
Foxxy, kinda late responding but let me say clemiclean is not an antibiotic and it doesn't kill off bacteria. Antibiotics are used to clear up Crynobacteria ill-advisedly because antibiotics kills bacteria [which is what cryno is]. In any case, this tank is in a dire situation and my advise mostly included lights off not the use of chemiclean. I did say that I have used this product. I have used it with good results. I wouldn't advise using it in a tank that is in dire straights.