Need some help with lighting


Well, what I actually need is someone to say, "okay, here is what youre gonna get." lol. I have a 72 gal bowfront. My sig is what I want. Anyways, Id like to have anenomies so Im gonna need MH. So my question is, should I get a light fixture that houses both the blue actinic AND the MH? Or one for the blue and one for the MH? How exactly should I set it up?
Thanks for ANY suggestions


Hey Kip,
Im leaning towards the VHO. Im not gonna add any anemones for awhile so I wasnt gonna buy my MH until then. I just wanted to make sure I had enough room in my hood for both if I purchased them separatly. I dont wanna have to do a complete rehaul of my hood just to get the MH to fit. Think it'll be a problem?
Thanks, again


Okay, thats what I was wondering. Also, do I have to put the MH in the center? Can they go in the front or back of the tank? The one at my LFS has a VHO then, in the middle 3 MH, then another VHO. I would probably put them more towards the front than the back since I have a bow front.


Active Member
I would try ro center the MH as much as possible. That way you get a nice even spread over the entire tank. Is your canopy tall enough to house a MH?


lol, I havent gotten it yet. Theres a hood that goes with the stand but Im seriously thinking about hanging something from the ceiling. Not sure yet. How much room would I need? The hood is about 5-6" tall I guess. Been awhile since Ive seen it.


Active Member
That will not be tall enough. You have to remember that your MH socket bracket hangs down like 3 inches. You will have to have something built to sit on your tank that is taller or like you said have something hang from above.


So you make custom canopies? Hmmmm, we might have to do some talkin. lol
Im gonna go check on Thursday to find out exactly how tall it is.
I think Im coming to the conclusion that I might have to pick up an extra job to fund all of this. lol.


Active Member
Jen, I would be glad to help you out, but unfortunately I can't make canopys for a bow front. If I can help you with questions let me know.