need some help with my girls 5gal nano lighting!!


i have set up a 5.5gal for my girl and i am not sure what i can do for lights the fixture that she has is a one bulb that screws in (Incandescent ) i recently ordered a 50/50 blub compact blub for this fixture from [Illegal LSite Reference] here is a link
Illegal Link
but have not recvied it yet. does any one think that this light will be enough for corals? the one blub that is in there now is not going to do any good for any thing i use to have a 55gal reef and i had to move so i tore it down and sold every thing that i had but the tank and what i put in her tank i kept some water from mine and the sand and to pices of live rock a bangi cardnal,green cromis and a scooter blenny, some snails and a small blue legged hermit.the live rock that i put in there is not doing so hot the puprle is starting to lose a bit of color so i got to do something before its to late if any one can help me that would be awesoem thanks every one


hey every one
i got my new light today for my girls 5.5 gal tank the one that i was talking about post made a huge difference in how that tank looks i was a bit worried that it wouldnt look much differnt but i was wrong it looks really good its got that blue tint to it and my fishs colors look so much better already i will try to get some pics soon
talk to you later