Need some help


I am going to the pet store tommrow to buy a true perc and a sea anonome (spelling) it is for a 5 gallon tank thats has 6 pounds of live rock and a 3 inch bed of live sand. I want to buy a 40 watt light and how do i feed the anonme do i just drop food over it like brine shrimp or what. What type should i buy and could i put two clowns in a 5 gallon tank


In my opinion no anemone should be in less than a 29 gallon tank.
Bubble tip anemones are ones that can get buy with 4+ watts per gallon and are easier to take care of than many others. They also host more clownfish than many other anemones.
Normal output lights will not do very well on any photosynthetic animal.
A tank should be at least 6 months old before trying any anemone.
My advice, though you may not want to hear it is not to place an anemone in a 5 gallon tank. They unfortunatly have poor survival rates.


thats fine what abou the true perc though can i buy two and willl they be fine without an anome and is there any type of corals i can put in there


A perc or two would be fine.
Low light corals like mushrooms perhaps. What exactly is your lighting?
Normal ouput, PC?, spectrum of bulb? what?


Well it came with a kit i bought at pet co i am going to upgrade it today. the current one looks like a normal light bulb
What are the chances of the two percs breeding and will i have a better chance with false percs to breed


Mine took 3 years to decide to breed, then its a whole new ballpark, seperate tanks, growing rotifers, green water..etc...
Mine are A. Ocellaris - false percs, they are a good choice for beginging breeders.
8000 posts woohoo :cheer:


how wil the cleaner shrimp do with them and can u suggest a few corals
will the clowns be happy without an anonme


Cleaner shrimp will be fine.
Research the lighting first, don't just run out and purchase the first thing you see at the LFS. Shop online. Not sure what you can find for a 5 gallon nano other than a PC light. Go to the Nano forum and look at what others might be using. Start a lighting post over there if need be.


They can live just fine without one, they often even find substitues.


Active Member
I agree with Thomas712 on all accounts. No anemone should be kept in a tank under 29 gallons except for those very few (and very advanced) aquarists and even they have sumps and fuges to help it out.
A 5-gal saltwater tank is going to be tricky to maintain water parameters. Read up before going in. I recommend The Conscientious Marine Aquarist by Bob Fenner on general SW aquariums. For breeding clowns, Clownfishes is a good book.
Careful with your bioload in this small tank. 2 percs is pushing it. I would not go much more than that as far as fish. 1 cleaner shrimp max. A few mushrooms would work as well.


Heading to the pet store to buy this list please post if you think i shouldnt add any of them or what would be better
2 True Percs
1 Cleaner Shrimp
4 trubo snails
1 crab ( not sure what type reccomend)
2 mushrooms


hey man, you can buy a ten gallon tank at walmart and various other places for 10$. I have a blue deveil damsel in mine and it works great as a quaranting aquarium. Best for the buck would be a nano cube for 100$. I wouldnt even put a fish in a 5 gallon, just two small~ water parameters could also fluctuate, i.e. killing your fish. With what you want i would look for a 29 or 20 gallon tank, that way you could double up on the small astrea snails and get a large turbo. A 29 would also support 3-4 3 inch fish.


Well i went half and half bought one clown fish, one watch man goby, one coral that looks like a tree, one coral that looks like carpet and never comes out and no its not a anomome, 2 turbo snails, 1 cleaner shrimp
new light 20 watts
more live rock 1 lb