Need Some Help


Active Member
I have recently had a boom of new activity in my tank. I have some bristle worms that have shown up and also what seem to be small clear shrimp like creatures that only come out night and some really small white things that crawl all over the glass. Any clues as to what these might be, why they showed up and how can I get rid of them? I have only two damsels in the tank and about 35 lbs or LR and the tank has been running for about a year. Also do I have to much flow with two penguin 1140 powerheads on an undewrgravel filter and a whisper 300 in a 55 gal tank? Thanks for any help


bristle worms are good, shimp like things and white specs on glass are pods, they are good too. I will let someone else talk about filters etc, but if you have lr and ls you don't need undergravel or wet dry filters.