Need some ideas


Well my stupidity finally caught up with me. I had been meaning to transfer my flame angel to my daughter's tank once my SFE got too big. I guess I wasn't fast enough as I found my flame angel shredded next to the SFE's hideout this morning. OOPS!!
I thought I was keeping the SFE happy as I was feeding him regularly but I guess not. I would like to get another colorful fish but not one that will be a snack. I currently have a dwarf lion, snowflake eel, foxface, and a blue tang in a 150G tank. Any ideas would be appreciated.


you could get a gold striped maroon clown they get pretty good sized i have one with my 2 fuzzy dwarfs right now. you could also get a bi color angel there colorful and get pretty big if you want a colorful predator fish you could try a fu manchu lion there hard work but worth it in the in. or you could maybe try some type of larger wrasse. but thats all i got for right now


I like the idea of a wrasse but everything I've read says they are not compatible with lions. Does anyone have any ideas about this or suggestions?


Active Member
Depends on the wrasse. The ones like Lunars get nasty, but i think most wrasse will leave Lions alone. I prefer Harlequin Tusks and they usually leave fish alone. TBH I'm a little surprised the SFE went for a dwarf angel. A bottom feeding fish maybe, but it seems a little odd for them to go after a free swimmer like that.


Active Member
I can think of two fish that would be a perfect fit in that tank, a Blue Jaw trigger and a Cuban Hogfish.
For color it will hard to be the Cuban (and is the most passive of any of the larger wrasses (hogfish are technically wrasses)), and the trigger should be fine with the lion, especially if you can find a smaller Blue Jaw.


Active Member
1.)I don't belong to the school that says you can prevent a predator from eating a favorite fish just by feeding enough; you can't change the genetic make-up of a fish. 2.) Most wrasse will do just fine with lions. Just avoid any the lion can eat and the large, very aggressive ones. The suggestion of a HTF & a lion from Prime 311 is great. I've kept tusks together with lions for years. They are ideal tankmates.


Thanks for the info. I would like to get either a harlequin tusk, or a green bird wrasse if possible. I've always loved the green bird wrasse fish but not sure if it would work with my tank and its tankmates. I don't want to get anything that would not be healthy and happy in my tank due to size constraints.


Active Member
Originally Posted by srfisher17
1.)I don't belong to the school that says you can prevent a predator from eating a favorite fish just by feeding enough; you can't change the genetic make-up of a fish. 2.) Most wrasse will do just fine with lions. Just avoid any the lion can eat and the large, very aggressive ones. The suggestion of a HTF & a lion from Prime 311 is great. I've kept tusks together with lions for years. They are ideal tankmates.
I agree, My HTF has been in with my 2 volitans for over 2 years and they are a great combo, I have also added my 2 scorpion fish in that time, and the tusk has not bothered anyone. They are very active fish, just be sure to shell out the extra cash for an aussie.
You could also consider a hogfish, another lion would be cool also.
Are you sure the angel didn't die before being chewed on? Snowflakes are almost blind, and would probably have some difficulty catching an angel. I have kept snowflakes with smaller fish, and never lost any.


I'm not sure how the angel died. He ate great just before lights out and when I got up the next morning I found him next to the eel's hideout in a pretty chewed up condition. I hadn't had a problem with them before.


Originally Posted by leftyblite
Would love to have another one, but I thought you couldn't put 2 lions in 1 tank????

no if you have a female and a male but not 2 males you can determine if its a male by counting how many stripes there are on them a male has 6 to 10 stripes and a female has 4 to 6 i currently have 2 fuzzy dwarfs right now