Need some Ideas.


Okay, I have a 46 Gallon tank, and I am starting the cycle shortly...... Anyway, I need some Ideas for fish, I don;t think I can have a cleanup crew,,, because I am definitely going to have a valentini, or other small puffer. But first I want to get some other fish, what are hardy colorful species a begginer could keep with a small puffer?? And if you have any comments on the cleanup crew...


Active Member
The Canthigaster puffers are prone to nipping fins of other fishes. Other fish to keep would be semi-aggressive fishes that can hold their own. Damsels, large aggressive clowns (marroon and tomato), smaller eels (snowflake and goldentail) are some species that I can think of now. I have personally never kept one of these, so maybe someone with experience can tell you what they kept with them. Bo