Need some ID's for a type of snail, and 2 crabs.


New Member
Hello everyone,
My girlfriend went to the beach last week here in florida and collected some things for our tank and I was needing some help identifying them. And help would be much appreciated. The first pic. is of the snails she found, the second is the hermit crab, they are not red legged, they are more of like a rusty brownish color, and the last pic. is of the giant crab she found.



Active Member
Wow thats a tiny clown in the last pic. When I lived in Florida there were tons of hermit crabs around... not marine aquarium trade hermit crabs per say. Don't know how safe they are but I don't see any corals in your tank as well. Your local saltwater identification guides might be your best bet for the species around there as specific species can vary so much from each location.