need some info.. maybe someone can help?


Active Member
is he eating at all? what size tank is he in and with waht other tyoes of inhabitants?
good luck


Active Member
im bored so i'll just answer for him, he has one chromis which is hanging around the upper corner of the tank (dont know if this is a good or bad thing), 2 astera snails, a patch of macro
it only eats when something drifts near it
tank is 20 gallon with an eclipsehood about 18 lbs of live rock 20 of live sand, 35 watts of florcents bulbs
as for the temp.. i wouldnt know im guessing 78-80
the only problem he has is nitrates, below .20 ppm i think its closer to .10
im the guy who helped set up his tank
heres a pic
basically what entice said.. its eating what is floating near it... and what it can grab..... ive seen it go around the sand bed but ihavent really seen it pick anything up from it...
its uunder the LR right now.. under that arch in the pic above... and when i move my finger from the left sidee of the glass.. to the right side.. it follows it.. im not sure if it is because he tinks its food.. but that the best answer i have to it now...
so i really need to know whats happening, and what are the syptoms of a arrow crab gone wrong.. im really worried.. i dont want it to die!!:( please help.
oh and yes.. the top tip of the arrow is looking like a burnt out match... i dont know what to do..
and my chromis is just hiding from me.. everytime i get close, it scurries away behind the tube filter... and this makes me sound like a really bad keeper... cus i want them to be okay.. PLEASE HELP.


Active Member
Arrow Crabs are typically inverts to be left out of home aquariums, or kept as the sole inhabitant. First of, some have been known to eat coral polyps, most eat BristleWorms, and all I have seen, try to eat any and all fish in the tank. If you read the profile for them here on, it mentions their natural propensity towards live prey. So, that should explain why your Green Chromis is swimming up near the surface, it's trying to stay alive, and it scurries away behind the tube filter because it is stressed. As for your Arrow Crab, it would seem to me that it is being underfed, because they typically scavenge from the LR in the tank, and your LR looks pretty barren, and the sandbed looks far from being alive, let alone contain any BristleWorms. So, what I would do, is to trade in the Green Chromis at your LFS, and to get some Brine Shrimp, and see if the Arrow Crab will go for it, if so, then it's just hungry, if it won't eat the BS, then I'm not sure what may be wrong.
PS Arrow Crabs have the ability to molt, and in order to molt, they need calcium, so this may also be contributing to the poor health of your Arrow Crab.