Need some info on fish compatibility


New Member
Hi everyone. I am trying to decide what fish to add to my tank. Not doing this right away as I am running my tank right now fish free as I had a brook breakout in my tank and I am waiting until mid april to start adding fish again. I obviously am not adding these all at once but this is what I am thinking of. My tank is 75gal by the way. I do have 2 peppermint shrimp and 2 fire red shrimp. Also tons of live rock one that is covered in feather dusters I love it. Crabs, snails and 2 strawberry conches. I also have 3 blue linka starfish.
this is what I would like to stock my tank with. I have no corals or or anything.
scooter blenny
racoon butterfly
copperband butterfly
emperor angel (I am thinking he is going to grow to big for my tank, so this could be a bad choice)
regal blue tank
2 or 4 clownfish
My husband is thinking down the line of maybe adding a few mushrooms and corals but I do not want to add any fish that will not allow him to do this later on. Though we run t5s on our tank and were told that these are very good for mushrooms and coral if you have any input I would love to here it


Active Member
Should be fine but, yes the emperor is to big for a 75 gal, you could get a dwarf angel instead though, the flame is beautiful. I think, i'm not sure though, that you can only have 2 clowns in the same tank.


Active Member
if you thinking about going reef then skip the racoon butterfly they eat corals pollups ect . you can only keep 2 clowns in such a small tank .as for he copperband i would wait until your tank is very well established at least a yr they are not that harty of hold off on the angel too for a big tank.that JMO of it all


Active Member
Originally Posted by unleashed
if you thinking about going reef then skip the racoon butterfly they eat corals pollups ect . you can only keep 2 clowns in such a small tank .as for he copperband i would wait until your tank is very well established at least a yr they are not that harty of hold off on the angel too for a big tank.that JMO of it all
I agree with unleashed with all of her points.


New Member
thanks for your input. Unleashed thanks for letting me know about the raccoon butterfly I know my hubby does want to add reef stuff later on. I will wait on the copperband as well my tank has been up and running for 10+ years actually but I am basically starting all over now so I will wait for the copperband
thanks again