need some info on starting a reef tank


Welcome Ripper,
My suggestion, above all others is to read everything that you can on this subject..We use to have an archive section, and was removed I guess to make room on this site, but you can go in under "reef "section, and read everything that has anything to do with anything...Especially if this is your first time doing saltwater/reef..
Next is to TAKE YOUR TIME...go slowly on adding stuff to your tank, let it cycle etc..
Or you'll just be spending lives and money for nothing...
But do enjoy...this is a great hobby!
When you have actual questions, Im sure anyone on this BB will be glad to give you any info they know..GL
~Susie ;)


Welcome to the Board.
The best advice I can give you is: read, read, read, and read some more. There's lots of good info in the archives of this BB. If you prefer books, there are lots of those as well but I can personnaly recommend "The Conscientious Marine Aquarist" by Henner(I think).
Your tank set-up will depend on many different things, the most important of which will be (1) how much money you have to spend, (2) how much room you have for your set-up, and (3) what you decide you want to keep in your tank.
Once you have a vision of what your tank will look like, write back with some more specific questions.
Good luck!


New Member
i am thinking of statring small first a 20 gal tank prolly..
what all would i need to get it started ?


Okay, the size of your tank is a good place to start. Now, the next step is to think about what you want in your tank....remembering that for salt water, a 20 gallon tank is considered very small. In terms of keeping fish, the safe ratio is one inch of fish for every 5 gallons of water.
If you don't want to buy a book and read, go to the Search function in the upper right corner of this site and search for "set up", "new tank", or something like those categories. I think you'll find lots of info that you'll want to consider next.


Befor I started my aquarium (feb 02)I visited this site regularly (lurking) to read the queastion and answers. It was a treasure trove of info. I was amazed at how much I learned from just reading the responses. There are many well informed folks on the site, especially the sharks, and it's easy to pick up on who knows they're stuff. I just added my first coral saturday, a star polyp, and am hoping it's the start of something great. There's alot to learn and after about 6 months I'm just starting to learn how much I don't know. Good luck.


My personal opinion is get bigger than 20 gal this hobby is very addictive and you'll want more i have 55 gal and want more 55 is nice if you have the room. just my opinion with salt you are limitted to num of fish and i think it's probably easier to keep proper levels and water quality, much more of show piece also. welcome go slow and good luck, oh yeah do'nt get an anenome! especially starting out listen to people they'll save you money. <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" />


Read and study the things you plan on keeping. Get the best lighting you can afford that will maintain what you want, PC, VHO, MH, expensive investment, but worth it in the long run. Go with the largest tank you can get. This hobby is not cheap and requires attention to be successful. Good Luck and welcome aboard.