Need some Live Sand to seed my 'fuge... can anyone help? - VA


Hi everyone,
I'm just starting a 15g nano with a 15g refugium and I need some good live sand to seed the 'fuge with. I'm in Harrisonburg, Virginia... about 45 minutes northwest of Charlottesville. If anyone is in the area, or would be kind enough to ziplock some and send it my way (i'll gladly pay shipping, of course :D ) I would truly appreciate it. Thank you. Oh, and if you have some live rock for sale in the Harrisonburg area then drop me a line... I am in dire need of that too! Shoot me an email at if you can help me. Thanks!


I'd just walk into a lfs that has a nice main display reef tank. If you've spent any money there, and show your interest in getting to the hobby, I find it hard to believe they wouldn't give you a cup full.
And if they don't... might want to look around for some other stores.