About a week and a half or two weeks ago, my BTA decided to commit sepuku with one of my intakes. I got the water cleaned up and all the happened was a slight spike in ammonia, whis is gone now. Thsi Monday I started to get mass amounts of green and purple algi growing on the glass in my tank. I have cleaned the tank once already this week. Its Not hair algi its the fine hard to get off kind that yo have to really scrub to remove. The water looks good, it checks out just fine. I test ever two days and it has been stable since the small ammonia spike. Everything in my tank looks healthy and is doing just fine. My False Eye puffer is doing great, and Emp Angel is fine ( Healing ok from the only spat I have ever had in the tank with the puffer), my two clowns are ok, my bleeny, blue damsel, striped damsel, all three star fish, the three emerald crabs, are all ok also.
What I have noticed since my BTA died my LR has proboly doubled in green and purple growth in the last week. Im not sure what has changed since then to make it grow that fast. I even have purple growing in my dead coral on the other side of thank now. Which I am happy and surprised about. Didn't think it would spread to it unless it was touching some LR.
So I guess what im asking is where is all this algi comming from? The only thing I have come up with after racking my brain is its comming for the LR. Maybe that BTA diying has done something to it, im not sure. Every test I have ran on the tank everything checked out ok. So if someone has any ideas please le me know, I would like to get it under controll. Its not hurting anything its just un-sightly.
My tank is 75g and I use DI water, with about 60 lbs of live rock. My lights are 2 day, two Arc, with two moon. Which have been with the tank since it was setup.
Just don't know any brain hurts.
What I have noticed since my BTA died my LR has proboly doubled in green and purple growth in the last week. Im not sure what has changed since then to make it grow that fast. I even have purple growing in my dead coral on the other side of thank now. Which I am happy and surprised about. Didn't think it would spread to it unless it was touching some LR.
So I guess what im asking is where is all this algi comming from? The only thing I have come up with after racking my brain is its comming for the LR. Maybe that BTA diying has done something to it, im not sure. Every test I have ran on the tank everything checked out ok. So if someone has any ideas please le me know, I would like to get it under controll. Its not hurting anything its just un-sightly.
My tank is 75g and I use DI water, with about 60 lbs of live rock. My lights are 2 day, two Arc, with two moon. Which have been with the tank since it was setup.
Just don't know any brain hurts.