need some of the basics


New Member
I have recently took up an intrest in salt water fish and purchased a 55 gallon tank. I just want a few cool looking fish (particularly a clown fish and a blue tang). What are the first things i need to do to set up my tank.


Active Member
Unfortunately the blue tang isn't a very good choice for a 55 gallon tank. They get too big. Get some books and start reading there is one by Robert Fenner that is a great resource but I forgot the name. Just research, research, and research some more.


Active Member
spend about three hours looking through these threads and seacrh for want you want to all depends on what type setup you are going for, but you can find it in here under search..


Welcome to the boards. This site is very useful and so is the book by Rober Fenner, its called the 'Conscientious Marine Aquarist'. These have been invaluable in setting up my tanks. Please dont hesitate to ask any questions you might have. The only dumb question is the question thats never asked. :thinking: