Need Some Opinions Please


I would like to know how many gallons of water a week I should take out of my 125g aquarium for a water change? I use RO water.This is a FOWLR..So far I only have a Maroon Clown and a Racoon Butterfly in there..along with about 70 Inverts.Im using sand for the floor bottom and a Cascade Canister Filter..Protein Skimmer and 3 Maxi Jet powerheads.I had started to have a nitrite reading this morning so I did a 35 galloin water change and that did lower it alot.Please tell me if my reading are ok or not..also how many gallons I should take out a week for a water change.Below is my readings as of now
Temp 8.6
ammomia 0
nitrite 0.1
nitrate 10
calcium 420
kh 196.9
ph bettween 7.8-7.9-getting a ph adjuster in the morning


every week?
9 gallons minimum. or 12.5 for an even 10%.
9 is an estimated 1% a day accumulated.


OK, so I finished reading your post...
By "ph adjuster" what exactly do you mean?? A buffer? Don't do it... not yet anyway.
What time of day did you check your ph? And how are you supplying oxygen to the water?
Low oxygen is the most common cause of low ph.
A buffer is alkalinity. don't add alk until you test for alk... So, if you want to add buffer, buy an alkalinity test first!


Active Member
Like tizzo is saying be careful what you use for ph buffer!!!
Dont use the off-the-shelf brands of buffer, some are good...others will jack up your tank!
Use limewater!
1st things 1st you need to find out and make sure your ph issues are not caused by bad air inside the house.
either open up some windows or take some tank water in a small bucket and put it outside with an airpump for a couple of hours and retest the ph in the bucket.
If your ph goes to normal your problem is poor air quality inside your home.
If it doesnt go up then you have a water chemistry issue.
Test for
If your salt is not @ 1.025 get it to that with a refractometer not a hydrometer.
Let us know!