Need Some opinions!!!


Ok I feed my 90 gallon reef tank half a cube of brine, half a cube of mysisid, cyclopleeze and some phytopheast
What does everyone feed their reef tanks to make them so lovely. I do direct feed alot of my corals and most look great just looking for others techniques always looking for better ways!!!


Active Member
the best clue in properly feeding your 'tank' is variety.
Most people go to the supermarket and get some raw assorted seafoods(grocery store is much cheaper than buying those little pop-packs from the LFS )
Get foods like RAW: squid, shrimp, marine fishes, scallops, clams... whatever.
You can chop up little pieces and feed the tank.
Some people make little concoctions where they chop up the foods with a food processor and mix them, then add vitamins (like Zoe), garlic, cyclops etc... and freeze the recipe.
Then you just snap off a piece of the frozen stuff and thaw in a cup of tankwater. (freeze in a flattened style so you can easily break off pieces. Too thick and you wont be able to break it .... kinda like 'snapping a ice cube in half' its too hard.)
Depending on your corals, many will benefit from spot feeding. Give the coral a little piece of meat and most corals will eat it (slowly sometimes).
Mysis is good.
Brine is like popcorn... no calorie, no substance kind of food
cylops and phyto are good in moderation. Too much of filter type foods can put too much burden on your tanks bio system.
Remember to vary your feedings. You wouldnt be very healthy if all you ate were like 4 different things... either is your tank.
Good Luck,
I hope this helps