need some picture help


I have searched for for advice on taking pictures, but I cant seem to find any. I have a Nikkon 5600, and I can't seem to take a worthwhile pic of my tank. They come out way too bright. I have tried -2 to 2 exposure, and other options. Can anybody help me out with the right settings to get a good picture? Also, once I take a picture worth posting, how do I actually get it linked on the website? I know nothing about computers! Thanks for the help!


Use the macro setting and either turn of the flash or turn off your house lighting depending on what the desired effect is....... goto open up a free account and upload your pics to that.... then copy the "IMG TAG" link it generates and post that in a thread.....


thanks for the input! desired effect...haha i just desire a picture lol! what exactly is this marco setting?? I have a "regular", guy standing under a sun title "scene", a closeup of a ladies head(assuming for close up shots?), a mountain, a guy running, and a nighttime setting...sorry as this isnt much help.


For nikon's I'm sure you have a menu button right? Put the dial indicator on scene and then hit the menu button. It will bring up a menu... just go down to macro for your close up shots and I use indoor setting for my other shots.. expirement with and without flash.....
here are some of mine with basially the same camera....