need some quick advise


custom aquatics has a package deal right now with an icecap 175 watt electronic ballast and a 12k german bulb for $144.00, i know i would have to buy the socket and reflector seperate, but is this a good deal, (all opinions welcome please) thanks--jake


you can check out hello lights .com thry have pretty good deals there. I just bought a 440 watt balast retro kit w/4 vho bulbs and reflector for 240 dollars. check it out they have all kinds of kits


i dont think you guys are supposed to post competitors web sites, just so you know. but what do you need that ballast for? do you have a reef tank? how big is your tank?


We've got a 55 gallon that we are currently working on that will eventually be a reef tank. For what we are doing we need a minimum of atleast 4-6 watts per gallon. This is going to be about 8 watts but we know we have it covered and everything is going to thrive. We have in our house 2 55 gallon salt,1 60 gallon hex seahorse tank, 1 3 gallon micro reef, 1 37 gallon salt, 1 30 gallon fresh, 1 20 fresh, and 1 30 gallon terrarium with fish and newts.


actually that stipulation was "updated" weeks ago <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" />