need some quick info


My buddy gave me his Bi color parrotfish he's about 4in long. He's moving out of state tomorrow,The parrotfish as being getting harrassed by the triggers big time what should I do,I dont want them to kill the poor fellow they already chewed his tail fins half way off help me please. Another friend of mine has a 125 but there not at home right now should I give it to them in the mean time what should I do.


Naw man he died of stress I put him in the qt but he didnt make it throuht the night. I couldnt leave him in the 75gal to brutal. I was going to give im to my buddy that has a 125 but they wasnt at home.


Even without the trigger, your parrot probably would die from starvation. They have a very specialized diet, which is algae enbedded in coral skeleton. They actually chew them up, and digest algae part and excrete the pulverized coral skeleton. Only a few of them actually will accept substitute food in captivity. Don't feel too bad. Just remember to know what you're getting next time so that this won't happen again.


yea I read in my book they only eat corals and algae, Thats why I tried to hold to him until the next day but he didnt survive too stressed.