Need some suggestions


New Member
I have always wanted a cleaner shrimp and for about a year I could never find one excpept online where I didnt have the money to pay for a minimum order and shipping. I have recently found 3 stores that have skunk cleaners and ***** has one for $15 dollars it looks healthy and its been there for about a month and they can't sell it thus the low price. The shrimp would of already been mine except I bought a snowflake eel and spotted hawkfish and I was wondering would there be any chance that the shrimp survives its about 2.5" its bigger then my hawkfish and my eel has never ate my hermit crabs and my Koran angel looks like it has ich so I am motivated now more then ever to get this shrimp. Let me know your thoughts thanks.

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by Rstout07
I have always wanted a cleaner shrimp and for about a year I could never find one excpept online where I didnt have the money to pay for a minimum order and shipping. I have recently found 3 stores that have skunk cleaners and ***** has one for $15 dollars it looks healthy and its been there for about a month and they can't sell it thus the low price. The shrimp would of already been mine except I bought a snowflake eel and spotted hawkfish and I was wondering would there be any chance that the shrimp survives its about 2.5" its bigger then my hawkfish and my eel has never ate my hermit crabs and my Koran angel looks like it has ich so I am motivated now more then ever to get this shrimp. Let me know your thoughts thanks.
you might be taking a chance with the SFE eating the shrimp.
and for your ich problem, a shrimp does not cure it, you need to either QT the fish or hypo your tank. ( or any other method used to "cure" ich.)

crypt keeper

Active Member
if your koran has it then your hawkfish has it. If you dont have another tank for qt then try and keep them as stressed free as can be. If you have inverts in your tank now dropping the salinity will kill them. Fish can live and survive with Ich. You just have to keep it under control. But like Saltlife said. Th shrimp wont cure the ich and a shrimp in the home aquarium cleaning a fish is not a common thing.


There's a 50/50 chance of a cleaner shrimp surviving with a snowflake eel. It really depends on individual fish. I've kept 3 for a long time with lots of triggers and other predatory fish. It might work, it might not.
btw, I disagree that cleaner shrimp won't clean fish in a home aquarium. If you look at my fish every morning, it's amazing... they each take turns going up to the cleaners and they get cleaned a good 5 minutes each. There's a specific rotation each morning... the sargassum trigger goes first, then the niger, then the queen angel, then the goldheart trigger. ALWAYS this order. Then the naso tang and foxface just go throughout the day.
A cleaner won't cure your ich, but it does help.


New Member
I bought the shrimp I have him in a 20 gallon for now and I wasn't going to use the shrimp as the main Ich resolvant if you will I was going to start dosing with medication today regardless if I got the shrimp it was simply a bonus to help the process. I still do not know if I will tank the risk of putting him in with the eel and hawk but thanks a lot for the suggestions.