Need some things ID'ed.


Can any one tell me what these are?
This is just a little white fuzzy thing growing on my live rock. t's about the size of a pencil eraser and it doesnt move.

These are two little tube like things that showed up a few months ago. They are wider at the base and get thinner towards the tip. The tip is open and fans out a little and is almost like a ruffle. They are opaque, but the tips are a dusky purple color.

Sorry the pic is a bit blurry, hard to get a good pic of them where they are located in the tank.
And this is an anemone that they said at the store is an atlantic, but everything I find about them shows colored tips, and this one is just white. I just want to make sure because they said it's a filter feeder, but f it's not an atlantic then it might be soemthing that needs fed. They also told me it's not poionous.


Active Member
it may be an atlantic.... i cant realytell from the picture, but whatever the anenome is, it looks very bleached. It should be feed meaty foods at least once a week;. also it could be from in sufficient lighting.
i cant realy see the other two for an ID, but form the discription my guess on the first one would be a q-tip spounge. check in the hitch-hicker thread on the top of the new hobbiest section


I also have many of these things growning in my tank,
I have them growing on my LR and my power heads, I've been removing the ones from my power heads but leaving
the ones on the LR and they seem to be growing very slowly.