I need something that will clean the "crud" on my sand. Some parts of the sand look white and others look brown like oatmeal. What do y'all suggest to keep the sand clean. Maybe a sandsifting starfish??
what i use is a diamond goby or also known as a orange spotted goby. and i also use a sandsifter star. what the goby does is puts moth fulls of sand in his/her mouth and sifts it through his/her gills, makes my sand nice and clean...but the only bad thing is that they will jump out of an open aquarium when frightened.
You also may want to try to add a powerhead or two in the area where it is bad. I have found that water circulation helps. I also purchased a 2 fighting conchs (about the limit for my 72 gal. tank), which are making a dent in my problem.
I have been told that this "crud" (brown diatoms) are part of the cycle and everyone gets them. I am hoping for it to all be over in a few months.
I have two poser heads and then the filter which drops water from the top- I just added a better power head a rio 400 for the 30 gal tank- wise move, it really keeps the water moving and my clowns LOVE it.