need space

30 hex

Hello people,
First time on the board.I need help with space. my 30 hexagon does not have much room for filters,skimmers,and lighting fixtures.Right now I have 30 lbs LR 20lbs LS
20lbs base rock.I am using a skilter wich i am not pleased with,magnum 330 with fine filter cartridge and will be setting up my small canister for carbon(anything else i should put in this one?).My light is a dual bulb mini might and a 15 watt reflector.(i have to stay flour.right now. Any suggestions? I plan on staying under stocked for a while.


Depending on what you all plan on putting in the tank,,, will make a differance of what you will need.... I say get rid of the skilter and add a Emperior (by penguin) and even a el-cheapo skimmer(air stone ) type is better than none($15-35) does an O.K. job for low load tanks, also be sure to have some calarpa, and a good clean up crew!!!
P.S. I would like to welcome you to the board and hope you learn much as well as teach others anything you may know as well!!! Good Luck!!!!!!

30 hex

Thank you. I have been monitoring the board for a couple of weeks now.a lot of good info out there. I got my rocks and sand from s.w.f.on friday. Very happy with the quality and service. I thought I should wait a couple of weeks before ordering a clean up package.Is that the case? I know the bag of sand says no cycling required but i dont trust that. Also I hate micro bubbles. Do all skimmers produce them?
Hey friend welcome to the board. Well, All skimmers produce them but getting IN yor tank is another question. I have had an experience with a Prizm that no matter what I do, bubbles always got in my tank. The levels were fine I fine tuned this thing for months and still the smae result. IT's a pet-peve of mine too. I'm looking to get another skimmer. I tell you what, I liked my Lee's skimmer more then my Prizm!! Anybody have any recomendations? But not all will put bubbles in your tank. Some have had luck with the skimmer so I'm not bashing it. It did pull a lot out just hate those tiny bubbles!!