Need Strategy to put hermit crab to sleep for good


Active Member
Okay....So I am finally guilty of not researching something before I buy it
.I decided to buy a hermit crab for my main tank while I was waiting for my QT to cycle. (Main tank is already cycled). Anyway, I went to ***** (I know, I know first mistake) and got a hermit crab and not thinking to research what kind I wanted first. I ended up getting a white spotted hermit crab which grows to be 6-8 inches and eats fish. ***** has recently got rid of their saltwater part of the store in my location and I don't have any other way to get rid of it. Is there some "humane", fast, and effective way to kill
it. I know its horrible and I feel really bad, but I can't have it killing my fish when I eventually get them.
Thanks, and don't burn me too bad for my mistake. I fully aknowledge it.


are you doing a reef or fish only? How big is the hermitt? It wont eat any fish if it is small. just keep any eye on it and take it from there. Definitly will eat corals though.


Active Member
Youre serious? How much did you pay for the thing..Let it go and feel good, or flush it..Seriously..Grow up..It is a crab


I know how difficult it is to get rid of crabs. My friend got crabs once, and it took three different doctors... (okay, very bad joke).
But if you're that sentimental, I'm sure your LFS will gladly take it back for free, if not, well, you just have to decide how much time you want to dedicate to making sure it lives a long life in someon's tank--if you really truly don't want it.


Active Member
If you are in a big city, why don't you just find your local saltwater club and donate it to someone there? If you have a public aquarium, see if they have a touch tank, and donate it there.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sebae09
put it in a cup of water and put him in the freezer. painless and humane.
False. Freezing water is not painless in fish or inverts.
Take it to another store, give it to another hobbyist, put him in a refugium (great reason to get a refugium if you don't have one), etc.
We all make mistakes, nice to see you are trying to make it right.


Active Member
Originally Posted by watson3
Youre serious? How much did you pay for the thing..Let it go and feel good, or flush it..Seriously..Grow up..It is a crab
Don't let it go... our N. American wildlife is under siege by introduced species. NEVER add to the problem.
It's a crab. Correct. It's also a PET that the original poster purchased. At that point he became responsible for it's well being.
No excuse for animal cruelty whether it's a 99 cent crab or a $500 fish. If you buy a pet you accept responsibility for it.


Active Member
The freezer part is painless on the aquarist mostly, IMO. The best way, IMO, is to wack it against a hard surface. Sounds ironic, and to some cruel, but the fact is that it is instantaneous and that is prefered. But you better do it fast and right.
I suggest rectifying mistakes by finding a new home for it. That is the humane way to deal with it.


Active Member
It's like 2 inches right now, do you think that a valentini puffer would eventually be able to eat it? I am thinking of getting one in about six months :S I really am making a bigger deal about this than I should I know, and I will offer him up on craigslist, but he's just not the type of hermit crab that most people would want to keep. And no, I'm not planning on having a reef tank, just a FOWLR


Active Member
No, a valentini will not be able to eat it.
There are commonly local fish clubs with people keepin FO systems that might be able to give it a home.


well if your wanting to do it fast get a sledge hammer and take a swing i can guarentee that if you hit it it will die instantly.
And the author of clownfishes says that the freezer is painless, she does it to deformed clownfish and clownfish that have deflated swim blatters.


Active Member
I don't like to kill anything. Post in the classified free and local pickup. Should be gone with in a week. Plus you will be able to talk to someone face to face with probably more expirance than you and you could rack there brain for knowlegde. And can find out how they do things.


Alot of good suggestions here on how to get rid of him to another home-it sounds like you have enough time to do that-please don't just kill him....