need suggestions after losses >


New Member
ok so after a night of losses thanks to my damn eel. ok to explain the story, my eel jumped down the megaflow, in to my sump, jumped over my sump wall, into the pull for the pump, and got sucked into the pump, clogging it. Then it clogged it for so long that the water temp dropped so low that another fish died of shock i think. So now im looking at replacing them.
I currently have
1 precula clown
1 sweetlips clown,
1 flame hawk.
1 blue hippo tang
1 yellow tang.
I need suggestions for future fish, I would possibly like one to deal with my green stringy algae, and and maybe something that could deal with red algae.
But other than that, i just need suggestions tank size is listed in profile as well as equipment.


Active Member
Sorry for your loss. My Hippo tang eats my red slime algea, luckily I don't have much left. My Sailfin Tang really chomps down on the hair algea (I think it's hair algea). It developed on my loc lines (looks like grass) and I was going to take it out and clean it, but my Sailfin has been mowing it down so I decided to just leave it. I think the Sailfin showed my Hippo tang the new treat because now she's after it too.


Active Member
how many fish did you lose? how long before you noticed the water wasnt moving? i'd look for some other reason than temperature shock before adding more fish--120 gallons of water should maintain it's own temperature rather well for some time.


New Member
it was moving in the morning, but when i came home at about 11pm it was not. my tank is usually kept right around 78 degrees, and when i fixed the problem, it was at 70 degree. So 8 degree drop in less than 24 hours.