Need suggestions


Active Member
Well, I am finally upgrading my 75 at home to a 120... I know its not much bigger but its all i have room for. I am planning for the tank to be home to only 3 or 4 fish. I am setting this up as pretty much a mushroom and soft coral tank, and need help deciding what fish to get. Currently I am thinking about:
1. Regal Angel
2. Chevron tang
3. Falcula Butterfly
4. Polleni Grouper
Anbody have any other suggestions for fish? Cost isn't really an issue but I want to stick with some of the harder to find or harder to keep species.


Chevron Tangs are by FAR my favorite tang! 2nd would be a black tang.
I think a Colini pygmy angel would be cool in that tank too.:)



Originally posted by NOVICE150
2nd would be a black tang.

A store in Lansing had one last summer, $600! Very cool though!


Active Member
Yeah, the regal angel probably will nip at some of the soft corals but that is what I am hoping for if it helps him do well. Shouldn't be any worse than what my puffer or Queen does to them now though.
Novice- I like the black tangs as well... Only problem is that they normally come in larger than what I would like to start with. If you know of any smaller ones (around 2-3") please let me know... :)
Good suggestion on the Colini angel... i might really think about that.
My only concern about it and the polleni grouper is how they will do under 440 watts of VHO considering they are a deep water fish. Anyone have any ideas if that might be a concern? All the polleni's we have sold have gone in FO tanks under minimal NO lighting.
are you going to put the queen angel you have now in the 120? Wouldnt it not get along with another angel? I think one of those australien harlequinn tusks would look pretty sweet in the setup you are aiming for.


Active Member
No, Queen will be going into a 500 gallon tank where she will have lots of room to roam and will be happier than in a 120.
I love Harlequins as well, but i dont think a 120 will house a harlequin very long, and they get a little bigger than I am wanting. Any more suggestions?
I want to stick with some of the harder to find or harder to keep species.
maybe a large moorish idol... I hear their like impossible to keep alive.
also i think a large mandarin would be sweet(not aggressive) or if you can find a bigger tank for it when it gets too big maybe a French Angel... their my favorite angels.


Get the Polleni Grouper.....
I love them, not too big, easy to feed, wont touch the corals, beautiful colors and bold nature. Perfect choice!
just another thought.... harlequin grouper... I cant find a good pic of it, but ryebread has a good one. He posts it everynow and then in the photo thread. I think he said they cost like 600.
BTW its not the harlequin tusk
now I feel retarted b/c I just searched the photo forum and found rye breads pics, the harlequin grouper is the same fish as the polleni grouper. my bad


Active Member
Thought about a moorish idol.... but I don't think a 4' tank gives them enough swimming room. We have gotten several to do well in some of our accounts though. I like French Angels as well, but I am trying to get a group of fish that I could keep as they all get full size.
Bullshark- Yeah, I thought a polleni would go really well in the tank as well. Only thing I am slightly concerned about is the bright lighting... Although i think it will be fine since they mainly hide under rocks all day anyway.