Need sump advice


I have recently purchased a 90 gallon with a built in overflow, and I am wondering how big of a tank should I buy for my diy sump that I will build. By the way I am moving the rock, sand corals and fish from my old 55 to the new tank.

al mc

Active Member
You can customize the fit even more if you build your own acrylic sump. For lots of advice on making your own sump I would google the words melevs and reef and the site you find will help you greatly if you considering a DIY sump.


Yeah I have checked out Meleev's page, I wish I could make something like that. What I think I am going to go with is the design that I also found on google when I searched sump diy it was the only video that came up on youtube. It looks easy to do, here is the link
hope the link works