Need Sump Help To Build Mini Refugium Gravity Overflowe

Hey guys I want to add a refugium to my tank to grow caulerpa, I was originally going to just put it in the sump with a light, but my sump pushes about 1500 gallons per hour, so it seems to be to fast. Any ideas on how to make a a mini refugium above the sump (gravity overflow) and attach a slow powerhead. I was just going to use an old fluorescent light from an old 20 gallon tank I have. Thanks much, Justin


Active Member
If you have room under your tank in the stand next to your sump - AND - you have the dimensions of this extra space - AND - the dimensions of your sump - AND - can fit a Rubbermaid or Sterilite plastic container in this empty space under there - AND - this container has walls higher than the walls of your sump - it's a piece of cake and won't cost too much at all.


Or if that won't work AND you still want to do the overhead setup AND you want it small AND you just wanna powerhead.... lol
There was just a thread not to long ago at all... "anyone with gravity 'fuges" That covered the above and below routes. May be worth checking out :)